Stochastic optimization

This section is concerned with problems of the form

\[\min_{x} \mathbb{E}_{D}[f(x, \theta, D)],\]

where \(f(x, \theta, D)\) is differentiable (almost everywhere), \(x\) are the parameters with respect to which the function is minimized, \(\theta\) are optional fixed extra arguments and \(D\) is a random variable (typically a mini-batch).

Defining an objective function

Objective functions must contain a data argument corresponding to \(D\) above.


def ridge_reg_objective(params, l2reg, data):
  X, y = data
  residuals =, params) - y
  return jnp.mean(residuals ** 2) + 0.5 * l2reg * ** 2)

Data iterator

Sampling realizations of the random variable \(D\) can be done using an iterator.


def data_iterator():
  for _ in range(n_iter):
    perm = rng.permutation(n_samples)[:batch_size]
    yield (X[perm], y[perm])


jaxopt.ArmijoSGD(fun[, value_and_grad, ...])

SGD with Armijo line search.

jaxopt.OptaxSolver(fun, opt[, ...])

Optax solver.

jaxopt.PolyakSGD(fun[, value_and_grad, ...])

SGD with Polyak step size.

Optax solvers

Optax solvers can be used in JAXopt using OptaxSolver. Here’s an example with Adam:

from jaxopt import OptaxSolver

opt = optax.adam(learning_rate)
solver = OptaxSolver(opt=opt, fun=ridge_reg_objective, maxiter=1000)

See common optimizers in the optax documentation for a list of available stochastic solvers.

Adaptive solvers

Adaptive solvers update the step size at each iteration dynamically. An example is PolyakSGD, a solver which computes step sizes adaptively using function values.

Another example is ArmijoSGD, a solver that uses an Armijo line search.

For convergence guarantees to hold, these two algorithms require the interpolation hypothesis to hold: the global optimum over \(D\) must also be a global optimum for any finite sample of \(D\). This is typically achieved by overparametrized models (e.g neural networks) in classification tasks with separable classes, or on regression tasks without noise.

Run iterator vs. manual loop

The following:

iterator = data_iterator()
solver.run_iterator(init_params, iterator, l2reg=l2reg)

is equivalent to:

iterator = data_iterator()
state = solver.init_state(init_params, l2reg=l2reg)
params = init_params
for _ in range(maxiter):
  data = next(iterator)
  params, state = solver.update(params, state, l2reg=l2reg, data=data)