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jax.pmap example using JAXopt.

The purpose of this example is to illustrate how JAXopt solvers can be easily used for distributed training thanks to jax.pmap. In this case, we begin by implementing data parallel training of a multi-class logistic regression model on synthetic data. General aspects to pay attention to include:

  • How to use jax.lax reduction operators such as jax.lax.pmean or jax.lax.psum in JAXopt solvers by using custom value_and_grad functions.

  • How jax.pmap can be used to transform the solver’s update method to easily write custom data-parallel training loops.

To obtain the best performance on Google Colab we recommend:

  1. In Change runtime type under the menu Runtime, select TPU for the Hardware accelerator option.

  2. Connect to the runtime and run all cells.

NOTE: this example can be easily adapted to support TPU pod slices (e.g. --accelerator_type v3-32) as well as hosts with one or more GPUs attached.

#@markdown The number of optimization steps to perform:
MAXITER = 100  #@param{type:"integer"}
#@markdown The number of samples in the (synthetic) dataset:
NUM_SAMPLES = 50000  #@param{type:"integer"}
#@markdown The number of features in the (synthetic) dataset:
NUM_FEATURES = 784  #@param{type:"integer"}
#@markdown The number of classes in the (synthetic) dataset:
NUM_CLASSES = 10  #@param{type:"integer"}
#@markdown The stepsize for the optimizer (set to 0.0 to use line search):
STEPSIZE = 0.0  #@param{type:"number"}
#@markdown The line search approach (either `'zoom'` or `backtracking`), ignored if `STEPSIZE > 0.0`:
LINESEARCH = 'zoom'  #@param{type:"string"}

Imports and TPU setup

%pip install jaxopt flax
import functools
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple, Union

from absl import app
from absl import flags

# activate TPUs if available
    import jax.tools.colab_tpu
except KeyError:
    print("TPU not found, continuing without it.")

from flax import jax_utils
from flax.training import common_utils

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.tools.colab_tpu

import jaxopt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

from sklearn import datasets
[TpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0, coords=(0,0,0), core_on_chip=0),
 TpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0, coords=(0,0,0), core_on_chip=1),
 TpuDevice(id=2, process_index=0, coords=(1,0,0), core_on_chip=0),
 TpuDevice(id=3, process_index=0, coords=(1,0,0), core_on_chip=1),
 TpuDevice(id=4, process_index=0, coords=(0,1,0), core_on_chip=0),
 TpuDevice(id=5, process_index=0, coords=(0,1,0), core_on_chip=1),
 TpuDevice(id=6, process_index=0, coords=(1,1,0), core_on_chip=0),
 TpuDevice(id=7, process_index=0, coords=(1,1,0), core_on_chip=1)]

Type aliases

Array = Union[np.ndarray, jax.Array]

Auxiliary functions

A minimal working example of how all-reduce mean/sum OPs can be introduced into JAXopt solver’s update method by overriding jax.value_and_grad. Note that more complex wrappers are of course possible.

def pmean(fun: Callable[..., Any], axis_name: str = 'b') -> Callable[..., Any]:
  """Applies `jax.lax.pmean` across `axis_name` for all of `fun`'s outputs."""
  maybe_pmean = lambda t: jax.lax.pmean(t, axis_name) if t is not None else t
  def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
    return jax.tree_map(maybe_pmean, fun(*args, **kwargs))
  return wrapper

A small utility to shard Arrays across the available devices:

def shard_array(array: Array) -> jax.Array:
  """Shards `array` along its leading dimension."""
  return jax.device_put_sharded(


The following code uses data-parallelism in the train loop. Through the use_pmap keyword argument we can deactivate this parallelism. We’ll use this feature later to benchmark the impact of parallelism.

def fit(
    data: Tuple[Array, Array],
    init_params: Array,
    stepsize: float = 0.0,
    linesearch: str = 'zoom',
    use_pmap: bool = False,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]:
  """Fits a multi-class logistic regression model for demonstration purposes.

    data: A tuple `(X, y)` with the training covariates and categorical labels,
    init_params: The initial value of the model's weights.
    stepsize: The stepsize to use for the solver. If set to `0`, linesearch will
      be used instead.
    linesearch: The linesearch algorithm to use. If `stepsize > 0`, linsearch
      will be disabled.
    use_pmap: Whether to distribute the computation across replicas or use only
      the first device available.
    The per-step errors and runtimes, as well as the JIT-compile time for the
    solver's `update` function.
  # Value and grad of the objective function for the solver.
  value_and_grad_fun = jax.value_and_grad(jaxopt.objective.multiclass_logreg)
  # When `jax.pmap`ing the computation, use JAXopt's option to provide a custom
  # `value_and_grad` function to include the desired reduction operators. For
  # example, here we decide to average across replicas.
  if use_pmap:
    value_and_grad_fun = pmean(value_and_grad_fun)

  # To override `jax.value_and_grad` in a JAXopt solver, set the flag 
  # `value_and_grad` to `True` and pass the custom implementation of the
  # `value_and_grad` function as `fun`.
  solver = jaxopt.LBFGS(fun=value_and_grad_fun,
  # Apply the `jax.pmap` transform to the function to be computed in a 
  # distributed manner (the solver's `update` method in this case). Otherwise,
  # we JIT compile it.
  if use_pmap:
    update = jax.pmap(solver.update, axis_name='b')
    update = jax.jit(solver.update)

  # Initialize solver state.
  state = solver.init_state(init_params, data=data)
  params = init_params
  # If using `pmap` for data-parallel training, model parameters are typically
  # replicated across devices.
  if use_pmap:
    params, state = jax_utils.replicate((params, state))
  # Finally, since in this demo we are *not* using mini-batches, it pays off to
  # transfer data to the device beforehand. Otherwise, host-to-device transfers
  # occur in each update. This is true regardless of whether we use distributed
  # or single-device computation.
  if use_pmap:  # Shards data and moves it to device,
    data = jax.tree_map(shard_array, data)
  else:  # Just move data to device.
    data = jax.tree_map(jax.device_put, data)

  # Pre-compiles update, preventing it from affecting step times.
  tic = time.time()
  _ = update(params, state, data)
  compile_time = time.time() - tic

  outer_tic = time.time()

  step_times = np.zeros(MAXITER)
  errors = np.zeros(MAXITER)
  for it in range(MAXITER):
    tic = time.time()
    params, state = update(params, state, data)
    jax.tree_map(lambda t: t.block_until_ready(), (params, state))
    step_times[it] = time.time() - tic
    errors[it] = (jax_utils.unreplicate(state.error).item()
                  if use_pmap else state.error.item())

      f'Total time elapsed with {linesearch} linesearch and pmap = {use_pmap}:',
      round(time.time() - outer_tic, 2), 'seconds.')

  return errors, step_times, compile_time


Creates dataset, calls fit with and without jax.pmap, makes figures.

def run():
  """Boilerplate to run the demo experiment."""
  data = datasets.make_classification(n_samples=NUM_SAMPLES,
  init_params = jnp.zeros([NUM_FEATURES, NUM_CLASSES])
  errors, step_times, compile_time = {}, {}, {}

  for use_pmap in (True, False):
    exp_name: str = f"{'with' if use_pmap else 'without'}_pmap"
    _errors, _step_times, _compile_time = fit(data=data,
    errors[exp_name] = _errors
    step_times[exp_name] = _step_times
    compile_time[exp_name] = _compile_time

  plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6.18))
  for use_pmap in (True, False):
    exp_name: str = f"{'with' if use_pmap else 'without'}_pmap"
    plt.plot(jnp.arange(MAXITER), errors[exp_name], label=exp_name)
  plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=16)
  plt.ylabel('Gradient error', fontsize=16)
  plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16)

  plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6.18))
  for use_pmap in (True, False):
    exp_name: str = f"{'with' if use_pmap else 'without'}_pmap"
    plt.plot(jnp.arange(MAXITER), step_times[exp_name], label=exp_name)
  plt.xlabel('Iterations', fontsize=16)
  plt.ylabel('Step time', fontsize=16)
  plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16)

  return errors, step_times, compile_time


print("num_samples:", NUM_SAMPLES)
print("num_features:", NUM_FEATURES)
print("num_features:", NUM_CLASSES)
print("maxiter:", MAXITER)
print("stepsize:", STEPSIZE)
print("linesearch (ignored if `stepsize` > 0):", LINESEARCH)

errors, step_times, compile_time = run()
print('Average speed-up (ignoring compile):',
      round((step_times['without_pmap'] / step_times['with_pmap']).mean(), 2))
num_samples: 50000
num_features: 784
num_features: 10
maxiter: 100
stepsize: 0.0
linesearch (ignored if `stepsize` > 0): zoom

Total time elapsed with zoom linesearch and pmap = True: 5.88 seconds.
Total time elapsed with zoom linesearch and pmap = False: 20.39 seconds.
Average speed-up (ignoring compile): 7.08
../../_images/e0a886d5847e8607b6cc254596d5f0e9dee8b7017f3d65d3db928c1b217611ff.png ../../_images/6758056185a39f5d431caa4dc699190ff8193a6e4dc051be709092f9ab8a7575.png