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Sparse coding.
from absl import app
from absl import flags
import functools
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
import unittest
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.nn import softplus
from jaxopt import loss
from jaxopt import OptaxSolver
from jaxopt import projection
from jaxopt import prox
from jaxopt import ProximalGradient
import optax
from sklearn import datasets
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_examples", 74, "NUmber of examples.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_components", 7, "Number of atoms in dictionnary.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("num_features", 13, "Number of features.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("sparse_coding_maxiter", 100, "Number of iterations for sparse coding.")
flags.DEFINE_integer("maxiter", 10, "Number of iterations of the outer loop.")
flags.DEFINE_float("elastic_penalty", 0.01, "Strength of L2 penalty relative to L1.")
flags.DEFINE_float("regularization", 0.01, "Regularization strength of elastic penalty.")
flags.DEFINE_enum("reconstruction_loss", "squared", ["squared", "abs", "huber"], "Loss used to build dictionnary.")
def dictionary_loss(
codes: jnp.ndarray,
dictionary: jnp.ndarray,
data: jnp.ndarray,
reconstruction_loss_fun: Callable[[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray],
jnp.ndarray] = None):
"""Computes reconstruction loss between data and dict/codes using loss fun.
codes: a n_samples x components array of codes.
dictionary: a components x dimension array
data: a n_samples x dimension array
reconstruction_loss_fun: a callable loss(x, y) -> a real number, where
x and y are either entries, slices or the matrices themselves.
Set to 1/2 squared L2 norm of difference by default.
a float, the reconstruction loss.
if reconstruction_loss_fun is None:
reconstruction_loss_fun = lambda x, y: 0.5 * jnp.sum((x - y)**2)
pred = codes @ dictionary
return reconstruction_loss_fun(data, pred)
def make_task_driven_dictionary_learner(
task_loss_fun: Optional[Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], float]] = None,
reconstruction_loss_fun: Optional[Callable[[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray],
jnp.ndarray]] = None,
optimizer = None,
sparse_coding_kw: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
"""Makes a task-driven sparse dictionary learning solver.
Returns a jaxopt solver, using either an optax optimizer or jaxopt prox
gradient optimizer, to compute, given data, a dictionary whose corresponding
codes minimizes a given task loss. The solver is defined through the task loss
function, a reconstruction loss function, and an optimizer. Additional
parameters can be passed on to lower level functions, notably the computation
of sparse codes and optimizer parameters.
task_loss_fun: loss as specified on (codes, dict, task_vars, params) that
supplements the usual reconstruction loss formulation. If None, only
dictionary learning is carried out, i.e. that term is assumed to be 0.
reconstruction_loss_fun: entry (or slice-) wise loss function, set to be
the Frobenius norm between matrices, || . - . ||^2 by default.
optimizer: optax optimizer. fall back on jaxopt proxgrad if None.
sparse_coding_kw: Jaxopt arguments to be passed to the proximal descent
algorithm computing codes, sparse_coding.
**kwargs: passed onto _task_sparse_dictionary_learning function.
Function to learn dictionary from data, number of components and
elastic net regularization, using initialization for dictionary,
parameters for task and task variables initialization.
def learner(data: jnp.ndarray,
n_components: int,
regularization: float,
elastic_penalty: float,
task_vars_init: jnp.ndarray = None,
task_params: jnp.ndarray = None,
dic_init: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None):
return _task_sparse_dictionary_learning(data, n_components, regularization,
elastic_penalty, task_vars_init,
dic_init, task_params,
sparse_coding_kw, **kwargs)
return learner
def _task_sparse_dictionary_learning(
data: jnp.ndarray,
n_components: int,
regularization: float,
elastic_penalty: float,
task_vars_init: jnp.ndarray,
dic_init: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None,
task_params: jnp.ndarray = None,
reconstruction_loss_fun: Callable[[jnp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray],
jnp.ndarray] = None,
task_loss_fun: Callable[[Any, Any, Any, Any], float] = None,
sparse_coding_kw: Mapping[str, Any] = None,
maxiter: int = 100):
r"""Computes task driven dictionary, w. implicitly defined sparse codes.
Given a N x d ``data`` matrix, solves a bilevel optimization problem by
seeking a dictionary ``dic`` of size ``n_components`` x ``d`` such that,
defining implicitly
``codes = sparse_coding(dic, (data, regularization, elastic_penalty))``
one has that ``dic`` minimizes
``task_loss(codes, dic, task_var, task_params)``,
if such as ``task_loss`` was passed on. If ``task_loss`` is ``None``, then
``task_loss`` is replaced by default by
``dictionary_loss(codes, (dic, data))``.
data: N x d jnp.ndarray, data matrix with N samples of d features.
n_components: int, number of atoms in dictionary.
regularization: regularization strength of elastic penalty.
elastic_penalty: strength of L2 penalty relative to L1.
task_vars_init: initializer for task related optimization variables.
optimizer: If None, falls back on jaxopt proximal gradient (with sphere
projection for ``dic``). If not ``None``, use that algorithm's method with
a normalized dictionary.
dic_init: initialization for dictionary; that returned by SVD by default.
reconstruction_loss_fun: loss to be applied to compute reconstruction error.
task_params: auxiliary parameters to define task loss, typically data.
task_loss_fun: task driven loss for codes and dictionary using task_vars and
sparse_coding_kw: parameters passed on to jaxopt prox gradient solver to
compute codes.
maxiter: maximal number of iterations of the outer loop.
A``n_components x d`` matrix, the ``dic`` solution found by the algorithm,
as well as task variables if task was provided.
if dic_init is None:
_, _, dic_init = jax.scipy.linalg.svd(data, False)
dic_init = dic_init[:n_components, :]
has_task = task_loss_fun is not None
# Loss function, dictionary learning in addition to task driven loss
def loss_fun(params, hyper_params):
dic, task_vars = params
coding_params, task_params = hyper_params
codes = sparse_coding(
if optimizer is not None:
dic = projection.projection_l2_sphere(dic)
if has_task:
loss = task_loss_fun(codes, dic, task_vars, task_params)
loss = dictionary_loss(codes, dic, data, reconstruction_loss_fun)
return loss, codes
def prox_dic(params, hyper, step):
# Here projection/prox is only applied on the dictionary.
del hyper, step
dic, task_vars = params
return projection.projection_l2_sphere(dic), task_vars
if optimizer is None:
solver = ProximalGradient(fun=loss_fun, prox=prox_dic, has_aux=True)
params = (dic_init, task_vars_init)
state = solver.init_state(
hyper_params=((data, regularization, elastic_penalty), task_params),
for _ in range(maxiter):
params, state = solver.update(
params, state, None,
((data, regularization, elastic_penalty), task_params))
# Normalize dictionary before returning it.
dic, task_vars = prox_dic(params, None, None)
solver = OptaxSolver(opt=optimizer, fun=loss_fun, has_aux=True)
params = (dic_init, task_vars_init)
state = solver.init_state(
hyper_params=((data, regularization, elastic_penalty), task_params),
for _ in range(maxiter):
params, state = solver.update(
params, state,
((data, regularization, elastic_penalty), task_params))
# Normalize dictionary before returning it.
dic, task_vars = prox_dic(params, None, None)
if has_task:
return dic, task_vars
return dic
def sparse_coding(dic, params, reconstruction_loss_fun=None,
sparse_coding_kw=None, codes_init=None):
"""Computes optimal codes for data given a dictionary dic using params."""
sparse_coding_kw = {} if sparse_coding_kw is None else sparse_coding_kw
loss_fun = functools.partial(dictionary_loss,
data, regularization, elastic_penalty = params
n_components, _ = dic.shape
n_points, _ = data.shape
if codes_init is None:
codes_init = jnp.zeros((n_points, n_components))
solver = ProximalGradient(
codes =, [regularization, elastic_penalty],
dic, data).params
return codes
def main(argv):
del argv
# needed for asserts
tc = unittest.TestCase()
N = FLAGS.num_examples
k = FLAGS.num_components
d = FLAGS.num_features
# X is N x d
# dic is k x d
X, dictionary_0, codes_0 = datasets.make_sparse_coded_signal(
X = X.T # bug in
X = .1 * X + .0001 * jax.random.normal(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), (N, d))
if FLAGS.reconstruction_loss == "squared":
reconstruction_loss_fun = None
elif FLAGS.reconstruction_loss == "abs":
reconstruction_loss_fun = lambda x, y: jnp.sum(jnp.abs(x - y)**2.1)
elif FLAGS.reconstruction_loss == "huber":
reconstruction_loss_fun = lambda x, y: jnp.sum(loss.huber_loss(x, y, .01))
raise ValueError(f"Unkwown reconstruction_loss {FLAGS.reconstruction_loss}")
elastic_penalty = FLAGS.elastic_penalty
regularization = FLAGS.regularization
# slightly complicated Vanilla dictionary learning when no task.
# complicated in the sense that Danskin is not used. Here using prox from
# jaxopt.
solver = jax.jit(
reconstruction_loss_fun=reconstruction_loss_fun, maxiter=FLAGS.maxiter,
sparse_coding_kw={'maxiter': FLAGS.sparse_coding_maxiter}),
static_argnums=(1, 8)) # n_components & reconstruction_loss_fun
print("Create dictionnary with no task:", flush=True)
# Compute dictionary
dic_jop_0 = solver(
tc.assertEqual(dic_jop_0.shape, (k, d))
# Test now task driven dictionary learning using *arbitrary* labels computed
# from initial codes. This is a binary logistic regression problem.
label = jnp.sum(codes_0[0:3, :], axis=0) > 0
def task_loss_fun(codes, dic, task_vars, task_params):
del dic
w, b = task_vars
logit =, w) + b
return jnp.sum(
jnp.sum(softplus(logit) - label * logit) + 0.5 * task_params *
(, w) + b * b))
# Create a solver that will now use optax's Adam to learn both dic and
# logistic regression parameters.
solver = jax.jit(
reconstruction_loss_fun=reconstruction_loss_fun, maxiter=FLAGS.maxiter,
sparse_coding_kw={'maxiter': FLAGS.sparse_coding_maxiter},
static_argnums=(1, 8)) # n_components & reconstruction_loss_fun
print("Compute task driven dictionnary:", flush=True)
dic_jop_task, w_and_b = solver(
task_vars_init=(jnp.zeros(k), jnp.zeros(1)),
# Check we have at least improved results using the very same w_and_b
losses = []
for dic in [dic_jop_0, dic_jop_task]:
dic, (X, regularization, elastic_penalty)), dic, w_and_b,
tc.assertGreater(losses[0], losses[1])
print(f"With task the loss ({losses[1]}) is smaller than without task ({losses[0]})")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)