Source code for jaxopt._src.tree_util

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"""Tree utilities."""

import functools
import itertools
import operator

import jax
from jax import tree_util as tu
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as onp

tree_flatten = tu.tree_flatten
tree_leaves = tu.tree_leaves
tree_map = tu.tree_map
tree_reduce = tu.tree_reduce
tree_unflatten = tu.tree_unflatten

def broadcast_pytrees(*trees):
  """Broadcasts leaf pytrees to match treedef shared by the other arguments.

    *trees: A `Sequence` of pytrees such that all elements that are *not* leaf
      pytrees (i.e. single arrays) have the same treedef.

    The input `Sequence` of pytrees `*trees` with leaf pytrees (i.e. single
    arrays) replaced by pytrees matching the treedef of non-shallow elements via

    ValueError: If two or more pytrees in `*trees` that are not leaf pytrees
      differ in their structure (treedef).
  leaves, treedef, is_leaf = [], None, []
  for tree in trees:
    leaves_i, treedef_i = tu.tree_flatten(tree)
    is_leaf_i = tu.treedef_is_leaf(treedef_i)
    if not is_leaf_i:
      treedef = treedef or treedef_i
      if treedef_i != treedef:
        raise ValueError('Pytrees are not broadcastable.: '
                         f'{treedef} != {treedef_i}')
  if treedef is not None:
    max_num_leaves = max(len(leaves_i) for leaves_i in leaves)
    broadcast_leaf = lambda leaf: itertools.repeat(leaf[0], max_num_leaves)
    leaves = [broadcast_leaf(leaves_i) if is_leaf_i else leaves_i
              for (leaves_i, is_leaf_i) in zip(leaves, is_leaf)]
    return tuple(treedef.unflatten(leaves_i) for leaves_i in leaves)
  # All Pytrees are leaves.
  return trees

tree_add = functools.partial(tree_map, operator.add)
tree_add.__doc__ = "Tree addition."

tree_sub = functools.partial(tree_map, operator.sub)
tree_sub.__doc__ = "Tree subtraction."

tree_mul = functools.partial(tree_map, operator.mul)
tree_mul.__doc__ = "Tree multiplication."

tree_div = functools.partial(tree_map, operator.truediv)
tree_div.__doc__ = "Tree division."

[docs]def tree_scalar_mul(scalar, tree_x): """Compute scalar * tree_x.""" return tree_map(lambda x: scalar * x, tree_x)
[docs]def tree_add_scalar_mul(tree_x, scalar, tree_y): """Compute tree_x + scalar * tree_y.""" return tree_map(lambda x, y: x + scalar * y, tree_x, tree_y)
_vdot = functools.partial(jnp.vdot, precision=jax.lax.Precision.HIGHEST) def _vdot_safe(a, b): return _vdot(jnp.asarray(a), jnp.asarray(b))
[docs]def tree_vdot(tree_x, tree_y): """Compute the inner product <tree_x, tree_y>.""" vdots = tree_map(_vdot_safe, tree_x, tree_y) return tree_reduce(operator.add, vdots)
def _vdot_real(x, y): """Vector dot-product guaranteed to have a real valued result despite possibly complex input. Thus neglects the real-imaginary cross-terms. The result is a real float. """ #result = _vdot(x.real, y.real) #if jnp.iscomplexobj(x) and jnp.iscomplexobj(y): # result += _vdot(x.imag, y.imag) result = _vdot(x, y).real # NOTE: without jit this is faster than variant above, no difference with jit return result def tree_vdot_real(tree_x, tree_y): """Compute the real part of the inner product <tree_x, tree_y>.""" return sum(tree_leaves(tree_map(_vdot_real, tree_x, tree_y))) def tree_dot(tree_x, tree_y): """Compute leaves-wise dot product between pytree of arrays. Useful to store block diagonal linear operators: each leaf of the tree corresponds to a block.""" return tree_map(, tree_x, tree_y)
[docs]def tree_sum(tree_x): """Compute sum(tree_x).""" sums = tree_map(jnp.sum, tree_x) return tree_reduce(operator.add, sums)
[docs]def tree_l2_norm(tree_x, squared=False): """Compute the l2 norm ||tree_x||.""" squared_tree = tree_map(lambda leaf: jnp.square(leaf.real) + jnp.square(leaf.imag), tree_x) sqnorm = tree_sum(squared_tree) if squared: return sqnorm else: return jnp.sqrt(sqnorm)
[docs]def tree_zeros_like(tree_x): """Creates an all-zero tree with the same structure as tree_x.""" return tree_map(jnp.zeros_like, tree_x)
def tree_ones_like(tree_x): """Creates an all-ones tree with the same structure as tree_x.""" return tree_map(jnp.ones_like, tree_x) def tree_average(trees, weights): """Return the linear combination of a list of trees. Args: trees: tree of arrays with shape (m,...) weights: array of shape (m,) Returns: a single tree that is the linear combination of all trees """ return tree_map(lambda x: jnp.tensordot(weights, x, axes=1), trees) def tree_gram(a): """Compute Gramn matrix from the pytree of batchs of vectors. Args: a: pytree of arrays of shape (m,...) Returns: arrays of shape (m,m) of all dot products """ vmap_left = jax.vmap(tree_vdot, in_axes=(0,None)) vmap_right = jax.vmap(vmap_left, in_axes=(None,0)) return vmap_right(a, a) def tree_inf_norm(tree_x): """Computes the infinity norm of a pytree.""" leaves_vec = tree_leaves(tree_map(jnp.ravel, tree_x)) return jnp.max(jnp.abs(jnp.concatenate(leaves_vec))) def tree_where(cond, a, b): """jnp.where for trees. Mimic broadcasting semantic of jnp.where. cond, a and b can be arrays (including scalars) broadcastable to the leaves of the other input arguments. Args: cond: pytree of booleans arrays, or single array broadcastable to the shapes of leaves of `a` and `b`. a: pytree of arrays, or single array broadcastable to the shapes of leaves of `cond` and `b`. b: pytree of arrays, or single array broadcastable to the shapes of leaves of `cond` and `a`. Returns: pytree of arrays, or single array """ cond, a, b = broadcast_pytrees(cond, a, b) return tree_map(jnp.where, cond, a, b) def tree_negative(tree): """Computes elementwise negation -x.""" return tree_scalar_mul(-1, tree) def tree_reciproqual(tree): """Computes elementwise inverse 1/x.""" return tree_map(lambda x: jnp.reciprocal(x), tree) def tree_mean(tree): """Mean reduction for trees.""" leaves_avg = tree_map(jnp.mean, tree) return tree_sum(leaves_avg) / len(tree_leaves(leaves_avg)) def tree_single_dtype(tree, convert_in_jax_dtype=True): """The dtype for all values in a tree, provided that all leaves share the same type. If the leaves have different type, raise a ValueError. Args: tree: tree to get the dtype of convert_in_jax_type: whether to convert the types in JAX precision. Namely, a numpy int64 type is converted in a jax.numpy int32 type by default unless one enables double precision using jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True) Return: dtype shared by all leaves of the tree """ if convert_in_jax_dtype: dtypes = set( jnp.asarray(p).dtype for p in tu.tree_leaves(tree) if isinstance( p, (bool, int, float, complex, onp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray) ) ) else: dtypes = set( onp.asarray(p).dtype for p in tu.tree_leaves(tree) if isinstance( p, (bool, int, float, complex, onp.ndarray, jnp.ndarray) ) ) if not dtypes: return None if len(dtypes) == 1: dtype = dtypes.pop() return dtype raise ValueError("Found more than one dtype in the tree.") def get_real_dtype(dtype): """Dtype corresponding of real part of a complex dtype.""" if dtype not in [f'complex{i}' for i in [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]]: return dtype else: return dtype.type(0).real.dtype def tree_conj(tree): """Complex conjugate of a tree.""" return tree_map(jnp.conj, tree) def tree_real(tree): """Real part of a tree""" return tree_map(jnp.real, tree) def tree_imag(tree): """Imaginary part of a tree""" return tree_map(jnp.imag, tree)