Source code for jaxopt._src.prox

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"""Proximity operators."""

from typing import Any
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from jaxopt._src import tree_util

[docs]def prox_none(x: Any, hyperparams: Optional[Any] = None, scaling: float = 1.0) -> Any: r"""Proximal operator for :math:`g(x) = 0`, i.e., the identity function. Since :math:`g(x) = 0`, the output is: .. math:: \underset{y}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 = x Args: x: input pytree. hyperparams: ignored. scaling: ignored. Returns: output pytree, with the same structure as ``x``. """ del hyperparams, scaling return x
[docs]def prox_lasso(x: Any, l1reg: Optional[Any] = None, scaling: float = 1.0) -> Any: r"""Proximal operator for the l1 norm, i.e., soft-thresholding operator. .. math:: \underset{y}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 + \text{scaling} \cdot \text{l1reg} \cdot ||y||_1 When ``l1reg`` is a pytree, the weights are applied coordinate-wise. Args: x: input pytree. l1reg: regularization strength, float or pytree with the same structure as ``x``. scaling: a scaling factor. Returns: output pytree, with same structure as ``x``. """ if l1reg is None: l1reg = 1.0 if type(l1reg) == float: l1reg = tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: l1reg*jnp.ones_like(y), x) def fun(u, v): return jnp.sign(u) * jax.nn.relu(jnp.abs(u) - v * scaling) return tree_util.tree_map(fun, x, l1reg)
[docs]def prox_non_negative_lasso(x: Any, l1reg: Optional[float] = None, scaling: float = 1.0) -> Any: r"""Proximal operator for the l1 norm on the non-negative orthant. .. math:: \underset{y \ge 0}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 + \text{scaling} \cdot \text{l1reg} \cdot ||y||_1 Args: x: input pytree. l1reg: regularization strength. scaling: a scaling factor. Returns: output pytree, with the same structure as ``x``. """ if l1reg is None: l1reg = 1.0 pytree = tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: y - l1reg*scaling, x) return tree_util.tree_map(jax.nn.relu, pytree)
[docs]def prox_elastic_net(x: Any, hyperparams: Optional[Tuple[Any, Any]] = None, scaling: float = 1.0) -> Any: r"""Proximal operator for the elastic net. .. math:: \underset{y}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 + \text{scaling} \cdot \text{hyperparams[0]} \cdot g(y) where :math:`g(y) = ||y||_1 + \text{hyperparams[1]} \cdot 0.5 \cdot ||y||_2^2`. Args: x: input pytree. hyperparams: a tuple, where both ``hyperparams[0]`` and ``hyperparams[1]`` can be either floats or pytrees with the same structure as ``x``. scaling: a scaling factor. Returns: output pytree, with the same structure as ``x``. """ if hyperparams is None: hyperparams = (1.0, 1.0) lam = tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: hyperparams[0]*jnp.ones_like( y), x) if type(hyperparams[0]) == float else hyperparams[0] gam = tree_util.tree_map(lambda y: hyperparams[1]*jnp.ones_like( y), x) if type(hyperparams[1]) == float else hyperparams[1] def prox_l1(u, lambd): return jnp.sign(u) * jax.nn.relu(jnp.abs(u) - lambd) def fun(u, lambd, gamma): return (prox_l1(u, scaling * lambd) / (1.0 + scaling * lambd * gamma)) return tree_util.tree_map(fun, x, lam, gam)
[docs]def prox_group_lasso(x: Any, l2reg: Optional[float] = 1.0, scaling=1.0) -> Any: r"""Proximal operator for the l2 norm, i.e., block soft-thresholding operator. .. math:: \underset{y}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 + \text{scaling} \cdot \text{l2reg} \cdot ||y||_2 Blocks can be grouped using ``jax.vmap``. Args: x: input pytree. l2reg: regularization strength. scaling: a scaling factor. Returns: output pytree, with the same structure as ``x``. """ if l2reg is None: l2reg = 1.0 l2_norm = tree_util.tree_l2_norm(x) factor = 1 - l2reg * scaling / l2_norm factor = jnp.where(factor >= 0, factor, 0) return tree_util.tree_scalar_mul(factor, x)
[docs]def prox_ridge(x: Any, l2reg: Optional[float] = 1.0, scaling=1.0) -> Any: r"""Proximal operator for the squared l2 norm. .. math:: \underset{y}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 + \text{scaling} \cdot \text{l2reg} \cdot ||y||_2^2 Args: x: input pytree. l2reg: regularization strength. scaling: a scaling factor. Returns: output pytree, with the same structure as ``x``. """ if l2reg is None: l2reg = 1.0 factor = 1. / (1 + scaling * l2reg) return tree_util.tree_scalar_mul(factor, x)
[docs]def prox_non_negative_ridge(x: Any, l2reg: Optional[float] = 1.0, scaling: float = 1.0): r"""Proximal operator for the squared l2 norm on the non-negative orthant. .. math:: \underset{y \ge 0}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x - y||_2^2 + \text{scaling} \cdot \text{l2reg} \cdot ||y||_2^2 Args: x: input pytree. l2reg: regularization strength. scaling: a scaling factor. Returns: output pytree, with the same structure as ``x``. """ if l2reg is None: l2reg = 1.0 pytree = tree_util.tree_scalar_mul(1./ (1 + l2reg * scaling), x) return tree_util.tree_map(jax.nn.relu, pytree)
[docs]def make_prox_from_projection(projection): """Transforms a projection into a proximal operator.""" def prox(x, hyperparams=None, scaling=1.0): del scaling # The scaling parameter is meaningless for projections. return projection(x, hyperparams) return prox