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"""Introduces differentiation via perturbations."""
from typing import Tuple, Callable
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
[docs]class Normal:
"""Normal distribution."""
def sample(self,
seed: jax.random.PRNGKey,
sample_shape: Tuple[int]) -> jax.Array:
return jax.random.normal(seed, sample_shape)
def log_prob(self, inputs: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
return -0.5 * inputs ** 2
[docs]class Gumbel:
"""Gumbel distribution."""
def sample(self,
seed: jax.random.PRNGKey,
sample_shape: Tuple[int]) -> jax.Array:
return jax.random.gumbel(seed, sample_shape)
def log_prob(self, inputs: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
return -inputs - jnp.exp(-inputs)
[docs]def make_perturbed_argmax(argmax_fun: Callable[[jax.Array], jax.Array],
num_samples: int = 1000,
sigma: float = 0.1,
control_variate: bool = False):
"""Transforms a function into a differentiable version with perturbations.
argmax_fun: the argmax function to transform into a differentiable version.
Signature for argmax_fun currently supported for custom jvp and jit is:
+ input [D1, ..., Dk], output [D1, ..., Dk], k >= 1
num_samples: an int, the number of perturbed outputs to average over.
sigma: a float, the scale of the random perturbation.
noise: a distribution object that must implement a sample function and a
log-pdf of the desired distribution, similar to the examples above.
Default is Gumbel distribution.
control_variate : Boolean indicating whether a control variate is used in
the Monte-Carlo estimate of the Jacobian.
A function with the same signature (and an rng) that can be differentiated.
Given an argmax function such as::
def argmax_fun(x):
return jax.nn.one_hot(jnp.argmax(x), x.shape[0])
pert_argmax_fun = make_perturbed_argmax(argmax_fun,
Then pert_argmax_fun is differentiable, a perturbed version of argmax_fun.
Since it relies on randomness, it requires an rng key::
pert_argmax = pert_argmax_fun(x, rng)
When handling a batched input, vmap can be applied to this function, with
some care in splitting the rng key::
batch_size = x_batch.shape[0]
rngs_batch = jax.random.split(rng, batch_size)
pert_argmax_batch = jax.vmap(pert_argmax_fun)(x_batch, rngs_batch)
Further, if the argmax_fun is jittable, then so is pert_argmax_fun.
def forward_pert(inputs, rng):
samples = noise.sample(seed=rng,
sample_shape=(num_samples,) + inputs.shape)
output_pert = jax.vmap(argmax_fun)(inputs + sigma * samples)
return jnp.mean(output_pert, axis=0)
def pert_jvp(tangent, _, inputs, rng):
samples = noise.sample(seed=rng,
sample_shape=(num_samples,) + inputs.shape)
output_pert = jax.vmap(argmax_fun)(inputs + sigma * samples)
# noise.log_prob corresponds to -nu in the paper.
nabla_z_flat = -jax.vmap(jax.grad(noise.log_prob))(samples.reshape([-1]))
tangent_flat = 1.0 / (num_samples * sigma) * jnp.einsum(
jnp.reshape(output_pert, (num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(nabla_z_flat, (num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(tangent, (-1,)))
return jnp.reshape(tangent_flat, inputs.shape)
def pert_jvp_control_variate(tangent, _, inputs, rng):
samples = noise.sample(seed=rng,
sample_shape=(num_samples,) + inputs.shape)
output_pert = jax.vmap(argmax_fun)(inputs + sigma * samples)
output = argmax_fun(inputs)
# noise.log_prob corresponds to -nu in the paper.
nabla_z_flat = -jax.vmap(jax.grad(noise.log_prob))(samples.reshape([-1]))
tangent_flat = 1.0 / (num_samples * sigma) * jnp.einsum(
jnp.reshape(output_pert - output, (num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(nabla_z_flat, (num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(tangent, (-1,)))
return jnp.reshape(tangent_flat, inputs.shape)
if control_variate:
forward_pert.defjvps(pert_jvp_control_variate, None)
forward_pert.defjvps(pert_jvp, None)
return forward_pert
[docs]def make_perturbed_max(argmax_fun: Callable[[jax.Array], jax.Array],
num_samples: int = 1000,
sigma: float = 0.1,
"""Turns an argmax in a differentiable version of the max with perturbations.
argmax_fun: the argmax function to transform into a differentiable version.
Signature for argmax_fun currently supported for custom jvp and jit is:
+ input [D1, ..., Dk], output [D1, ..., Dk], k >= 1
num_samples: an int, the number of perturbed outputs to average over.
sigma: a float, the scale of the random perturbation.
noise: a distribution object that must implement a sample function and a
log-pdf of the desired distribution, similar to the examples above.
Default is Gumbel distribution.
A function with the same inputs (and an rng) that can be differentiated.
Given an argmax function, such as::
def argmax_fun(x):
return jax.nn.one_hot(jnp.argmax(x), x.shape[0])
pert_max_fun = make_perturbed_max(argmax_fun,
Then pert_max_fun is differentiable, a perturbed version of the associated
max to argmax_fun. Since it relies on randomness, it requires an rng key::
pert_max = pert_max_fun(x, rng)
When handling a batched input, vmap can be applied to this function, with
some care in splitting the rng key::
batch_size = x_batch.shape[0]
rngs_batch = jax.random.split(rng, batch_size)
pert_max_batch = jax.vmap(pert_max_fun)(x_batch, rngs_batch)
Furthermore, if the argmax_fun is jittable, then so is pert_max_fun.
def forward_pert(inputs, rng):
samples = noise.sample(seed=rng,
sample_shape=(num_samples,) + inputs.shape)
output_pert = jax.vmap(argmax_fun)(inputs + sigma * samples)
max_values = jnp.einsum('nd,nd->n',
jnp.reshape(inputs + sigma * samples,
(num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(output_pert, (num_samples, -1)))
return jnp.mean(max_values)
def pert_jvp(tangent, _, inputs, rng):
pert_argmax_fun = make_perturbed_argmax(argmax_fun,
pert_argmax = pert_argmax_fun(inputs, rng)
return jnp.sum(pert_argmax * tangent)
forward_pert.defjvps(pert_jvp, None)
return forward_pert
[docs]def make_perturbed_fun(fun: Callable[[jax.Array], float],
num_samples: int = 1000,
sigma: float = 0.1,
"""Transforms a function into a differentiable version with perturbations.
fun: the function to transform into a differentiable version.
Signature for fun currently supported for custom jvp and jit is:
+ input [D1, ..., Dk], output [R_1, ..., R_r]
num_samples: an int, the number of perturbed outputs to average over.
sigma: a float, the scale of the random perturbation.
noise: a distribution object that must implement a sample function and a
log-pdf of the desired distribution, similar to the examples above.
Default is Gumbel distribution.
A function with the same signature (and an rng) that can be differentiated.
Given an argmax function such as::
def fun(x):
return jax.nn.relu(x)
pert_fun = make_perturbed_fun(fun,
Then pert_fun is differentiable, a perturbed version of fun.
Since it relies on randomness, it requires an rng key::
pert_output = pert_fun(x, rng)
When handling a batched input, vmap can be applied to this function, with
some care in splitting the rng key::
batch_size = x_batch.shape[0]
rngs_batch = jax.random.split(rng, batch_size)
pert_batch = jax.vmap(pert_fun)(x_batch, rngs_batch)
Further, if fun is jittable, then so is pert_fun.
def forward_pert(inputs, rng):
samples = noise.sample(seed=rng,
sample_shape=(num_samples,) + inputs.shape)
output_pert = jax.vmap(fun)(inputs + sigma * samples)
return jnp.mean(output_pert, axis=0)
def pert_jvp(tangent, _, inputs, rng):
samples = noise.sample(seed=rng,
sample_shape=(num_samples,) + inputs.shape)
output_pert = jax.vmap(fun)(inputs + sigma * samples)[..., jnp.newaxis]
# noise.log_prob corresponds to -nu in the paper.
nabla_z_flat = -jax.vmap(jax.grad(noise.log_prob))(samples.reshape([-1]))
tangent_flat = 1.0 / (num_samples * sigma) * jnp.einsum(
jnp.reshape(output_pert, (num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(nabla_z_flat, (num_samples, -1)),
jnp.reshape(tangent, (-1,)))
tangent_out = jnp.squeeze(jnp.reshape(tangent_flat, output_pert.shape[1:]))
return tangent_out
forward_pert.defjvps(pert_jvp, None)
return forward_pert