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"""Iterative Refinement for linear systems."""
# TODO(lbethune): in the future Chebychev acceleration of Iterative Refinement
# could be implemented:
# Arioli, M. and Scott, J., 2014. Chebyshev acceleration of iterative refinement.
# Numerical Algorithms, 66(3), pp.591-608.
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxopt._src import loop
from jaxopt._src import base
from jaxopt._src import implicit_diff as idf
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_zeros_like, tree_add, tree_sub
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_add_scalar_mul, tree_scalar_mul
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_vdot, tree_negative, tree_l2_norm
from jaxopt._src.linear_operator import _make_linear_operator
import jaxopt._src.linear_solve as linear_solve
class IterativeRefinementState(NamedTuple):
"""Named tuple containing state information.
iter_num: iteration number.
error: error used as stop criterion, deduced from residuals b - Ax.
target_residuals: residuals of the current target.
init: init params for warm start.
iter_num: int
error: float
target_residuals: Any
init: Any
# TODO(lbethune): in the future return the state of the internal
# solver (iter_num, error) as part of the current state.
num_matvec_eval: int = 0
num_matvec_bar_eval: int = 0
num_solve_eval: int = 0
class IterativeRefinement(base.IterativeSolver):
r"""`Iterativement refinement
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative_refinement>`_ algorithm.
This is a meta-algorithm for solving the linear system ``Ax = b`` based on
a provided linear system solver. Our implementation is a slight generalization
of the standard algorithm. It starts with :math:`(r_0, x_0) = (b, 0)` and
.. math::
x &= \text{solution of } \bar{A} x = r_{t-1}\\
x_t &= x_{t-1} + x\\
r_t &= b - A x_t
where :math:`\bar{A}` is some approximation of A, with preferably
better preconditonning than A. By default, we use
:math:`\bar{A} = A`, which is the standard iterative refinement algorithm.
This method has the advantage of converging even if the solve step is
inaccurate. This is particularly useful for ill-posed problems.
matvec_A: (optional) a Callable matvec_A(A, x).
By default, matvec_A(A, x) = tree_dot(A, x), where pytree
A matches x structure.
matvec_A_bar: (optional) a Callable.
If None, then :math:`\bar{A}=A`. Otherwise, a Callable matvec_A_bar(x).
solve: a Callable that accepts A as first argument, b as second,
and a warm start ``init`` as third argument.
This solver can be inaccurate and run with low precision.
maxiter: maximum number of iterations (default: 10).
tol: absolute tolerance for stoping criterion (default: 1e-7).
verbose: If verbose=1, print error at each iteration.
implicit_diff: whether to enable implicit diff or autodiff of unrolled
implicit_diff_solve: the linear system solver to use.
jit: whether to JIT-compile the optimization loop (default: "auto").
unroll: whether to unroll the optimization loop (default: "auto")
[1] J. H. Wilkinson. Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1963.
[2] Moler, C.B., 1967. Iterative refinement in floating point. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 14(2), pp.316-321.
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative_refinement.
matvec_A: Optional[Callable] = None
matvec_A_bar: Optional[Callable] = None
solve: Callable = partial(linear_solve.solve_gmres, ridge=1e-6)
maxiter: int = 10
tol: float = 1e-7
verbose: int = 0
implicit_diff_solve: Optional[Callable] = None
jit: base.AutoOrBoolean = "auto"
unroll: base.AutoOrBoolean = "auto"
def init_state(self,
A: Any,
b: Any,
A_bar: Any = None):
return IterativeRefinementState(
num_matvec_eval=jnp.asarray(0, base.NUM_EVAL_DTYPE),
num_matvec_bar_eval=jnp.asarray(0, base.NUM_EVAL_DTYPE),
num_solve_eval=jnp.asarray(0, base.NUM_EVAL_DTYPE)
def init_params(self,
A: Any,
b: Any,
A_bar: Any = None):
return tree_zeros_like(b)
def update(self,
params: Any,
state: IterativeRefinementState,
A: Any,
b: Any,
A_bar: Optional[Any] = None):
if self._copy_A:
A_bar = A
matvec_A = self.matvec_A(A)
matvec_A_bar = self.matvec_A_bar(A_bar)
# TODO(lbethune): support preconditioners ?
# Could it be done by user with partial(solver, M=precond) ?
residual_sol = self.solve(matvec_A_bar, state.target_residuals, init=state.init)
params = tree_add(params, residual_sol)
target_residuals = tree_sub(b, matvec_A(params))
error = tree_l2_norm(target_residuals)
state = IterativeRefinementState(
init=self.init_params(A, b, A_bar),
num_matvec_eval=state.num_matvec_eval + 1,
num_matvec_bar_eval=state.num_matvec_bar_eval + 1,
num_solve_eval=state.num_solve_eval + 1)
return base.OptStep(params, state)
[docs] def run(self,
A: Any,
b: Any,
A_bar: Optional[Any] = None):
"""Runs the iterative refinement.
init_params: init_params for warm start.
A: params for ``self.matvec_A``.
b: vector ``b`` in ``Ax=b``.
A_bar: optional parameters for ``matvec_A_bar``.
(params, state), ``params = (primal_var, dual_var_eq, dual_var_ineq)``
if init_params is None:
init_params = self.init_params(A, b, A_bar)
return super().run(init_params, A, b, A_bar)
def optimality_fun(self,
params: Any,
A: Any,
b: Any,
A_bar: Optional[Any] = None):
del A_bar # unused
A = self.matvec_A(A)
return tree_sub(b, A(params))
[docs] def l2_optimality_error(self,
params: Any,
A: Any,
b: Any,
A_bar: Optional[Any] = None):
del A_bar # unused
return tree_l2_norm(self.optimality_fun(params, A, b))
def __post_init__(self):
self._copy_A = False
if self.matvec_A_bar is None:
self.matvec_A_bar = self.matvec_A
self._copy_A = True
self.matvec_A = _make_linear_operator(self.matvec_A)
self.matvec_A_bar = _make_linear_operator(self.matvec_A_bar)
def solve_iterative_refinement(matvec: Callable,
b: Any,
init: Optional[Any] = None,
maxiter: int = 10,
tol: float = 1e-7,
solve: Callable = linear_solve.solve_gmres,
**kwargs) -> Any:
"""Solves ``A x = b`` using iterative refinement.
matvec: product between ``A`` and a vector.
b: pytree.
maxiter: maximum number of refinement steps (default: 10).
tol: absolute tolerance residuals (default: 1e-7).
solve: optional solve function (default: linear_solve.solve_gmres).
kwargs: additional parameters for IterativeRefinement.
Pytree with the same structure as ``b``.
iterative_refinement = IterativeRefinement(matvec_A=lambda _,x: matvec(x),
return iterative_refinement.run(init, A=None, b=b)[0]