Source code for jaxopt._src.cvxpy_wrapper

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"""CVXPY wrappers."""

from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

from dataclasses import dataclass

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp 
from jaxopt._src import base
from jaxopt._src import implicit_diff as idf
from jaxopt._src import linear_solve
from jaxopt._src import tree_util

def _check_params(params_obj, params_eq=None, params_ineq=None):
  if params_obj is None:
    raise ValueError("params_obj should be a tuple (Q, c)")
  Q, c = params_obj
  if Q.shape[0] != Q.shape[1]:
    raise ValueError("Q must be a square matrix.")
  if Q.shape[1] != c.shape[0]:
    raise ValueError("Q.shape[1] != c.shape[0]")

  if params_eq is not None:
    A, b = params_eq
    if A.shape[0] != b.shape[0]:
      raise ValueError("A.shape[0] != b.shape[0]")
    if A.shape[1] != Q.shape[1]:
      raise ValueError("Q.shape[1] != A.shape[1]")

  if params_ineq is not None:
    G, h = params_ineq
    if G.shape[0] != h.shape[0]:
      raise ValueError("G.shape[0] != h.shape[0]")
    if G.shape[1] != Q.shape[1]:
      raise ValueError("G.shape[1] != Q.shape[1]")

def _make_cvxpy_qp_optimality_fun():
  """Makes the optimality function for CVXPY quadratic programming.

    optimality_fun(params, params_obj, params_eq, params_ineq) where
      params = (primal_var, eq_dual_var, ineq_dual_var)
      params_obj = (Q, c)
      params_eq = (A, b) or None
      params_ineq = (G, h) or None
  def obj_fun(primal_var, params_obj):
    Q, c = params_obj
    return 0.5 * jnp.vdot(primal_var,, primal_var)) + jnp.vdot(primal_var, c)

  def eq_fun(primal_var, params_eq):
    if params_eq is None:
      return None
    A, b = params_eq
    return, primal_var) - b

  def ineq_fun(primal_var, params_ineq):
    if params_ineq is None:
      return None
    G, h = params_ineq
    return, primal_var) - h

  return idf.make_kkt_optimality_fun(obj_fun, eq_fun, ineq_fun)

[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class CvxpyQP(base.Solver): """Wraps CVXPY's quadratic solver with implicit diff support. No support for matvec, pytrees, jit and vmap. Meant to be run on CPU. Provide high precision solutions. The objective function is:: 0.5 * x^T Q x + c^T x subject to Gx <= h, Ax = b. Attributes: solver: string specifying the underlying solver used by Cvxpy, in ``"OSQP", "ECOS", "SCS"`` (default: ``"OSQP"``). """ solver: str = 'OSQP' #TODO(lbethune): "True" original OSQP implementation (not the one written in Jax). Confusing for user ? implicit_diff_solve: Optional[Callable] = None
[docs] def run(self, init_params: Optional[jnp.ndarray], # unused params_obj: base.ArrayPair, params_eq: Optional[base.ArrayPair] = None, params_ineq: Optional[base.ArrayPair] = None) -> base.OptStep: """Runs the quadratic programming solver in CVXPY. The returned params contains both the primal and dual solutions. Args: init_params: ignored. params_obj: (Q, c). params_eq: (A, b) or None if no equality constraints. params_ineq: (G, h) or None if no inequality constraints. Returns: (params, state), ``params = (primal_var, dual_var_eq, dual_var_ineq)`` """ # TODO(frostig,mblondel): experiment with `jax.experimental.host_callback` # to "support" other devices (GPU/TPU) in the interim, by calling into the # host CPU and running cvxpy there. # # TODO(lbethune): the interface of CVXPY could easily allow pytrees for constraints, # by populating `constraints` list with different Ai x = bi and Gi x <= hi. # Pytree support for x could be possible by creating a cp.Variable for each leaf in the pytree c. import cvxpy as cp del init_params # no warm start _check_params(params_obj, params_eq, params_ineq) Q, c = params_obj x = cp.Variable(len(c)) objective = 0.5 * cp.quad_form(x, Q) + c.T @ x constraints = [] if params_eq is not None: A, b = params_eq constraints.append(A @ x == b) if params_ineq is not None: G, h = params_ineq constraints.append(G @ x <= h) pb = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(objective), constraints) pb.solve(solver=self.solver) if pb.status in ["infeasible", "unbounded"]: raise ValueError("The problem is %s." % pb.status) dual_eq = None if params_eq is None else jnp.array(pb.constraints[0].dual_value) dual_ineq = None if params_ineq is None else jnp.array(pb.constraints[-1].dual_value) sol = base.KKTSolution(primal=jnp.array(x.value), dual_eq=dual_eq, dual_ineq=dual_ineq) # TODO(lbethune): pb.solver_stats is a "state" the user might be interested in. return base.OptStep(params=sol, state=None)
[docs] def l2_optimality_error( self, params: jnp.ndarray, params_obj: base.ArrayPair, params_eq: Optional[base.ArrayPair], params_ineq: Optional[base.ArrayPair], ) -> base.OptStep: """Computes the L2 norm of the KKT residuals.""" pytree = self.optimality_fun(params, params_obj, params_eq, params_ineq) return tree_util.tree_l2_norm(pytree)
def __post_init__(self): self.optimality_fun = _make_cvxpy_qp_optimality_fun() # Set up implicit diff. decorator = idf.custom_root(self.optimality_fun, has_aux=True, solve=self.implicit_diff_solve) # pylint: disable=g-missing-from-attributes = decorator(