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"""Anderson Acceleration for finding a fixed point in JAX."""
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jaxopt._src import base
from jaxopt._src import linear_solve
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_l2_norm, tree_sub
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_vdot, tree_add
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_mul, tree_scalar_mul
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_average, tree_add_scalar_mul
from jaxopt._src.tree_util import tree_map, tree_gram
def minimize_residuals(residual_gram, ridge):
"""Return the solution to the linear system with slack variable."""
m = residual_gram.shape[0]
residual_gram = residual_gram + ridge * jnp.eye(m) # avoid ill-posed systems
H = jnp.block([[jnp.zeros((1, 1)), jnp.ones((1, m))],
[ jnp.ones((m, 1)), residual_gram ]])
c = jnp.zeros((m+1)).at[0].set(1)
alphas = jnp.linalg.solve(H, c)
return alphas
def anderson_step(params_history, residuals_history,
residual_gram, ridge, beta):
"""Produces new Anderson iterate from two sequences.
params_history: each colum i must contain f_h_i=f(p_h_i)
residual_gram: Gram matrix of residuals
alphas = minimize_residuals(residual_gram, ridge)
alphas = alphas[1:] # drop dummy variable (constraint satisfaction)
pa = tree_average(params_history, alphas)
ra = tree_average(residuals_history, alphas)
extrapolated = tree_add_scalar_mul(pa, beta, ra)
return extrapolated
def pytree_replace_elem(tree_batched, index, new_elems):
"""Replace an element of a batch stored in a pytree.
tree: tree of arrays of shape (batch_size, ...)
index: an integer between ``0`` and ``batch_size-1``
values: a pytree with the same structure as ``tree``
but without the additional batch dimension on each leaf
the same pytree with the element at pos ``index`` replaced
at_set = lambda x, elem: x.at[index].set(elem)
return tree_map(at_set, tree_batched, new_elems)
def update_history(pos, params_history, residuals_history,
residual_gram, extrapolated, residual):
params_history = pytree_replace_elem(params_history, pos, extrapolated)
residuals_history = pytree_replace_elem(residuals_history, pos, residual)
new_row = jax.vmap(tree_vdot, in_axes=(0, None))(residuals_history, residual)
residual_gram = residual_gram.at[pos,:].set(new_row)
residual_gram = residual_gram.at[:,pos].set(new_row)
error = jnp.sqrt(residual_gram[pos,pos])
return params_history, residuals_history, residual_gram, error
class AndersonState(NamedTuple):
"""Named tuple containing state information.
iter_num: iteration number
error: residuals of current estimate
params_history: history of previous anderson iterates
residuals_history: residuals of previous iterates
fixed_point_fun(params_history) - params_history
residual_gram: Gram matrix: G.T @ G with G the matrix of residuals
each column of G is a flattened pytree of residuals_history
aux: auxiliary data returned by fixed_point_fun
iter_num: int
error: float
params_history: Any
residuals_history: Any
residual_gram: jnp.ndarray
aux: Optional[Any] = None
num_fun_eval: int = 0
class AndersonAcceleration(base.IterativeSolver):
"""Anderson acceleration.
fixed_point_fun: a function ``fixed_point_fun(x, *args, **kwargs)``
returning a pytree with the same structure and type as x
See the reference below for conditions that the function must fulfill
in order to guarantee convergence.
In particular, if the Banach fixed point theorem
conditions hold, Anderson acceleration will converge.
history_size: size of history. Affect memory cost.
mixing_frequency: frequency of Anderson updates. (default: 1).
Only one every `mixing_frequency` updates uses Anderson, while the other
updates use regular fixed point iterations.
beta: momentum in Anderson updates. Default = 1.
maxiter: maximum number of iterations.
tol: tolerance (stoping criterion).
ridge: ridge regularization in solver.
Consider increasing this value if the solver returns ``NaN``.
has_aux: wether fixed_point_fun returns additional data. (default: False)
This additional data is not taken into account by the fixed point.
The solver returns the `aux` associated to the last iterate (i.e the fixed point).
verbose: whether to print error on every iteration or not.
Warning: verbose=True will automatically disable jit.
implicit_diff: whether to enable implicit diff or autodiff of unrolled
implicit_diff_solve: the linear system solver to use.
jit: whether to JIT-compile the optimization loop (default: "auto").
unroll: whether to unroll the optimization loop (default: "auto")
Pollock, Sara, and Leo Rebholz.
"Anderson acceleration for contractive and noncontractive operators."
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.04638 (2019).
fixed_point_fun: Callable
history_size: int = 5
mixing_frequency: int = 1
beta: float = 1.
maxiter: int = 100
tol: float = 1e-5
ridge: float = 1e-5
has_aux: bool = False
verbose: bool = False
implicit_diff: bool = True
implicit_diff_solve: Optional[Callable] = None
jit: base.AutoOrBoolean = "auto"
unroll: base.AutoOrBoolean = "auto"
[docs] def init_state(self,
**kwargs) -> AndersonState:
"""Initialize the solver state.
init_params: initial guess of the fixed point, pytree
*args: additional positional arguments to be passed to ``fixed_point_fun``.
**kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``fixed_point_fun``.
m = self.history_size
params_history = tree_map(lambda x: jnp.tile(x, [m]+[1]*x.ndim),
residuals_history = tree_map(jnp.zeros_like, params_history)
residual_gram = jnp.zeros((m,m))
_, aux = self._value_with_aux(init_params, *args, **kwargs)
return AndersonState(iter_num=jnp.asarray(0),
num_fun_eval=jnp.array(1, base.NUM_EVAL_DTYPE))
[docs] def update(self,
params: Any,
state: NamedTuple,
**kwargs) -> base.OptStep:
"""Performs one iteration of the Anderson acceleration.
params: pytree containing the parameters.
state: named tuple containing the solver state.
*args: additional positional arguments to be passed to ``fixed_point_fun``.
**kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``fixed_point_fun``.
(params, state)
iter_num = state.iter_num
anderson_freq = jnp.equal(jnp.mod(iter_num, self.mixing_frequency), 0)
is_not_init = jnp.greater_equal(iter_num, self.history_size)
def perform_anderson_step(t):
_, state = t
extrapolated = anderson_step(state.params_history, state.residuals_history,
self.ridge, self.beta)
return extrapolated
def use_param(t):
return t[0]
extrapolated = jax.lax.cond(
jnp.logical_and(anderson_freq, is_not_init),
perform_anderson_step, # extrapolation
use_param, # re-use previous iterate instead
operand=(params, state)
params_history = state.params_history
residuals_history = state.residuals_history
residual_gram = state.residual_gram
pos = jnp.mod(state.iter_num, self.history_size)
next_params, aux = self._value_with_aux(extrapolated, *args, **kwargs)
residual = tree_sub(next_params, extrapolated)
ret = update_history(pos, params_history, residuals_history,
residual_gram, extrapolated, residual)
params_history, residuals_history, residual_gram, error = ret
next_state = AndersonState(iter_num=state.iter_num+1,
return base.OptStep(params=next_params, state=next_state)
[docs] def optimality_fun(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
"""Optimality function mapping compatible with ``@custom_root``."""
next_params, _ = self._value_with_aux(params, *args, **kwargs)
return tree_sub(next_params, params)
def __post_init__(self):
if self.history_size < 2:
raise ValueError("history_size should be greater or equal to 2.")
if self.has_aux:
fun_ = self.fixed_point_fun
fun_ = lambda p, *a, **kw: (self.fixed_point_fun(p, *a, **kw), None)
self._value_with_aux = fun_
self.reference_signature = self.fixed_point_fun