Non-smooth optimization ======================= This section is concerned with problems of the form .. math:: \min_{x} f(x, \theta) + g(x, \lambda) where :math:`f(x, \theta)` is differentiable (almost everywhere), :math:`x` are the parameters with respect to which the function is minimized, :math:`\theta` are optional extra arguments, :math:`g(x, \lambda)` is possibly non-smooth, and :math:`\lambda` are extra parameters :math:`g` may depend on. Proximal gradient ----------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary jaxopt.ProximalGradient Instantiating and running the solver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proximal gradient is a generalization of :ref:`projected gradient descent `. The non-smooth term :math:`g` above is specified by setting the corresponding proximal operator, which is achieved using the ``prox`` attribute of :class:`ProximalGradient `. For instance, suppose we want to solve the following optimization problem .. math:: \min_{w} \frac{1}{2n} ||Xw - y||^2 + \text{l1reg} \cdot ||w||_1 which corresponds to the choice :math:`g(w, \text{l1reg}) = \text{l1reg} \cdot ||w||_1`. The corresponding ``prox`` operator is :func:`prox_lasso `. We can therefore write:: from jaxopt import ProximalGradient from jaxopt.prox import prox_lasso def least_squares(w, data): X, y = data residuals =, w) - y return jnp.mean(residuals ** 2) l1reg = 1.0 pg = ProximalGradient(fun=least_squares, prox=prox_lasso) pg_sol =, hyperparams_prox=l1reg, data=(X, y)).params Note that :func:`prox_lasso ` has a hyperparameter ``l1reg``, which controls the :math:`L_1` regularization strength. As shown above, we can specify it in the ``run`` method using the ``hyperparams_prox`` argument The remaining arguments are passed to the objective function, here ``least_squares``. Numerous proximal operators are available, see below. Differentiation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some applications, it is useful to differentiate the solution of the solver with respect to some hyperparameters. Continuing the previous example, we can now differentiate the solution w.r.t. ``l1reg``:: def solution(l1reg): pg = ProximalGradient(fun=least_squares, prox=prox_lasso, implicit_diff=True) return, hyperparams_prox=l1reg, data=(X, y)).params print(jax.jacobian(solution)(l1reg)) Under the hood, we use the implicit function theorem if ``implicit_diff=True`` and autodiff of unrolled iterations if ``implicit_diff=False``. See the :ref:`implicit differentiation ` section for more details. .. topic:: Examples * :ref:`` * :ref:`` .. _block_coordinate_descent: Block coordinate descent ------------------------ .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary jaxopt.BlockCoordinateDescent Contrary to other solvers, :class:`jaxopt.BlockCoordinateDescent` only works with :ref:`composite linear objective functions `. Example:: from jaxopt import objective from jaxopt import prox l1reg = 1.0 w_init = jnp.zeros(n_features) bcd = BlockCoordinateDescent(fun=objective.least_squares, block_prox=prox.prox_lasso) lasso_sol =, hyperparams_prox=l1reg, data=(X, y)).params .. topic:: Examples * :ref:`` * :ref:`` Proximal operators ------------------ Proximal gradient and block coordinate descent do not access :math:`g(x, \lambda)` directly but instead require its associated proximal operator. It is defined as: .. math:: \text{prox}_{g}(x', \lambda, \eta) := \underset{x}{\text{argmin}} ~ \frac{1}{2} ||x' - x||^2 + \eta g(x, \lambda). The following operators are available. .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary jaxopt.prox.make_prox_from_projection jaxopt.prox.prox_none jaxopt.prox.prox_lasso jaxopt.prox.prox_non_negative_lasso jaxopt.prox.prox_elastic_net jaxopt.prox.prox_group_lasso jaxopt.prox.prox_ridge jaxopt.prox.prox_non_negative_ridge