Changelog ========= Version 0.8 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added Broyden algorithm to solve non linear root equations, by Zaccharie Ramzi. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed "LBFGSB produces NaN for certain conditions", by Vincent Roulet. - Better layout for notebook gallery, by Fabian Pedregosa. - Added support for complex numbers in nonlinear conjugate gradient, by Gregor Thalhammer. - Added support for complex numbers in LBFGS and zoom line search, by Gregor Thalhammer. - Various LBFGS improvements, by Vincent Roulet. - Completely revamped zoom linesearch, by Vincent Roulet. - Added continuous integration for python 3.11, fixed typing extension issue, by Vincent Roulet. - Added number of function/grad/prox/etc... evaluation for various solvers, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Fixed implicit differentiation in LBFGSB, by Nathan Simpson. - Ensure weak-type consistency, by Mathieu Blondel. - Extend convenience API for QP + doc, by Louis Bethune. - Add interpolation explanations for Polyak/Armijo API doc, by Louis Bethune. - Support has_aux in AndersonAcceleration, by Louis Bethune. - Drop Python 3.7 support, by Mathieu Blondel. - Fixed typos in perturbation docs, by Guillaume Dalle. - Fixed pytree support in tree_inf_norm, by Emily Fertig. - Fixed NaN handling in LBFGSB, by Srinivas Vasudevan. - Use jnp.ndarray instead of jnp.array, by Peter Hawkins. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Louis Bethune, Emily Fertig, Fabian Pedregosa, Gregor Thalhammer-Thurner, Guillaume Dalle, Mathieu Blondel, Nathan Simpson, Peter Hawkins, Srinivas Vasudevan, Vincent Roulet, Zaccharie Ramzi. Version 0.7 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added :class:`jaxopt.LBFGSB`, by Emily Fertig. - Added :func:`jaxopt.perturbations.make_perturbed_fun`, by Quentin Berthet. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Allow to pass a function as value_and_grad option, by Chansoo Lee. - Fixed imaml tutorial (speed and correctness), by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Misc improvements in resnet_flax example, by Fabian Pedregosa. - Fixed prox to handle pytrees, by Vincent Roulet. - Added control variate to make_perturbed_argmax, by Lawrence Stewart. - Added inverse hessian approximation to the returned state, Aymeric Galan. - Avoid closing over dynamic jax tracers in the bisection solver, by Roy Frostig. - Follow pjit API changes, by Yash Katariya and Peter Hawkins. - Added isotonic module to documentation, by Mathieu Blondel. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aymeric Galan, Chansoo Lee, Emily Fertig, Fabian Pedregosa, Lawrence Stewart, Mathieu Blondel, Peter Hawkins, Quentin Berthet, Roy Frostig, Vincent Roulet, Yash Katariya, Zaccharie Ramzi. Version 0.6 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added new Hager-Zhang linesearch in LBFGS, by Srinivas Vasudevan (code review by Emily Fertig). - Added perceptron and hinge losses, by Quentin Berthet. - Added binary sparsemax loss, sparse_plus and sparse_sigmoid, by Vincent Roulet. - Added isotonic regression, by Michael Sander. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added TPU support to notebooks, by Ayush Shridhar. - Allowed users to restart from a previous optimizer state in LBFGS, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Added faster error computation in gradient descent algorithm, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Got rid of extra function call in BFGS and LBFGS, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Improved dtype consistency between input and output of update method, by Mathieu Blondel. - Added perturbed optimizers notebook and narrative documentation, by Quentin Berthet and Fabian Pedregosa. - Enabled auxiliary value returned by linesearch methods, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Added distributed examples to the website, by Fabian Pedregosa. - Added Custom loop pjit example, by Felipe Llinares. - Fixed wrong latex in maml.ipynb, by Fabian Pedregosa. - Fixed bug in backtracking line search, by Srinivas Vasudevan (code review by Emily Fertig). - Added pylintrc to top level directory, by Fabian Pedregosa. - Corrected the condition function in LBFGS, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Added custom loop pmap example, by Felipe Llinares. - Fixed pytree support in IterativeRefinement, by Louis Béthune. - Fixed has_aux support in ArmijoSGD, by Louis Béthune. - Documentation improvements, by Fabian Pedregosa and Mathieu Blondel. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ayush Shridhar, Fabian Pedregosa, Felipe Llinares, Louis Bethune, Mathieu Blondel, Michael Sander, Quentin Berthet, Srinivas Vasudevan, Vincent Roulet, Zaccharie Ramzi. Version 0.5.5 ------------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added MAML example by Fabian Pedregosa based on initial code by Paul Vicol and Eric Jiang. - Added the possibility to stop LBFGS after a line search failure, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Added gamma to LBFGS state, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Added :class:`jaxopt.BFGS`, by Mathieu Blondel. - Added value_and_grad option to all gradient-based solvers, by Mathieu Blondel. - Added Fenchel-Young loss, by Quentin Berthet. - Added :func:`projection_sparse_simplex `, by Tianlin Liu. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed missing args,kwargs in resnet example, by Louis Béthune. - Corrected the implicit diff examples, by Zaccharie Ramzi. - Small optimization in l2-regularized semi-dual OT, by Mathieu Blondel. - Numerical stability improvements in :class:`jaxopt.LevenbergMarquardt`, by Amir Saadat. - Dtype consistency in LBFGS, by Alex Botev. Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``jaxopt.QuadraticProgramming`` is now fully removed. Use :class:`jaxopt.CvxpyQP`, :class:`jaxopt.OSQP`, :class:`jaxopt.BoxOSQP` and :class:`jaxopt.EqualityConstrainedQP` instead. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alex Botev, Amir Saadat, Fabian Pedregosa, Louis Béthune, Mathieu Blondel, Quentin Berthet, Tianlin Liu, Zaccharie Ramzi. Version 0.5 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added optimal transport related projections: :func:`projection_transport `, :func:`projection_birkhoff `, :func:`kl_projection_transport `, and :func:`kl_projection_birkhoff `, by Mathieu Blondel (semi-dual formulation) and Tianlin Liu (dual formulation). Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix LaTeX rendering issue in notebooks, by Amélie Héliou. - Avoid gradient recompilations in zoom line search, by Mathieu Blondel. - Fix unused Jacobian issue in :class:`jaxopt.ScipyRootFinding`, by Louis Béthune. - Use zoom line search by default in :class:`jaxopt.LBFGS` and :class:`jaxopt.NonlinearCG`, by Mathieu Blondel. - Pass tolerance argument to :class:`jaxopt.ScipyMinimize`, by pipme. - Handle has_aux in :class:`jaxopt.LevenbergMarquardt`, by Keunhong Park. - Add maxiter keyword argument in :class:`jaxopt.ScipyMinimize`, by Fabian Pedregosa. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Louis Béthune, Mathieu Blondel, Amélie Héliou, Keunhong Park, Fabian Pedregosa, pipme. Version 0.4.3 ------------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added zoom line search in :class:`jaxopt.LBFGS`, by Mathieu Blondel. It can be enabled with the ``linesearch="zoom"`` option. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added support for quadratic polynomial `fun` in :class:`jaxopt.BoxOSQP` and :class:`jaxopt.OSQP`, by Louis Béthune. - Added a notebook for the dataset distillation example, by Amélie Héliou. - Fixed wrong links and deprecation warnings in notebooks, by Fabian Pedregosa. - Changed losses to avoid roundoff, by Jack Valmadre. - Fixed init_params bug in multiclass_svm example, by Louis Béthune. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Louis Béthune, Mathieu Blondel, Amélie Héliou, Fabian Pedregosa, Jack Valmadre. Version 0.4.2 ------------- Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix issue with positional arguments in :class:`jaxopt.LBFGS` and :class:`jaxopt.NonlinearCG`, by Mathieu Blondel. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mathieu Blondel. Version 0.4.1 ------------- Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Improvements in :class:`jaxopt.LBFGS`: fixed bug when using ``use_gamma=True``, added ``stepsize`` option, strengthened tests, by Mathieu Blondel. - Fixed link in resnet notebook, by Fabian Pedregosa. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fabian Pedregosa, Mathieu Blondel. Version 0.4 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added solver :class:`jaxopt.LevenbergMarquardt`, by Amir Saadat. - Added solver :class:`jaxopt.BoxCDQP`, by Mathieu Blondel. - Added :func:`projection_hypercube `, by Mathieu Blondel. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed :func:`solve_normal_cg ` when the linear operator is "nonsquare" (does not map to a space of same dimension), by Mathieu Blondel. - Fixed edge case in :class:`jaxopt.Bisection`, by Mathieu Blondel. - Replaced deprecated tree_multimap with tree_map, by Fan Yang. - Added support for leaf cond pytrees in :func:`tree_where `, by Felipe Llinares. - Added Python 3.10 support officially, by Jeppe Klitgaard. - Replaced deprecated tree_multimap with tree_map, by Fan Yang. - In scipy wrappers, converted pytree leaves to jax arrays to determine their shape/dtype, by Roy Frostig. - Converted the "Resnet" and "Adversarial Training" examples to notebooks, by Fabian Pedregosa. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amir Saadat, Fabian Pedregosa, Fan Yang, Felipe Llinares, Jeppe Klitgaard, Mathieu Blondel, Roy Frostig. Version 0.3.1. -------------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pjit-based example of data parallel training using Flax, by Felipe Llinares. Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Support for GPU and state of the art adversarial training algorithm (PGD) on the example `_ by `Fabian Pedregosa `_ - Update line search in LBFGS to use jit and unroll from LBFGS, by Ian Williamson. - Support dynamic maximum iteration count in iterative solvers, by Roy Frostig. - Fix tree_where for singleton pytrees, by Louis Béthune. - Remove QuadraticProg in projections and set ``init_params=None`` by default in QP solvers, by Louis Béthune. - Add missing 'value' attribute in LbfgsState, by Mathieu Blondel. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felipe Llinares, Fabian Pedregosa, Ian Williamson, Louis Béthune, Mathieu Blondel, Roy Frostig. Version 0.3 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :class:`jaxopt.LBFGS` - :class:`jaxopt.BacktrackingLineSearch` - :class:`jaxopt.GaussNewton` - :class:`jaxopt.NonlinearCG` Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Support implicit AD in higher-order differentiation `_. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amir Saadat, Fabian Pedregosa, Geoffrey Négiar, Hyunsung Lee, Mathieu Blondel, Roy Frostig. Version 0.2 ----------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Quadratic programming solvers :class:`jaxopt.CvxpyQP`, :class:`jaxopt.OSQP`, :class:`jaxopt.BoxOSQP` and :class:`jaxopt.EqualityConstrainedQP`. - :class:`jaxopt.IterativeRefinement`. New examples ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :ref:`` Bug fixes and enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - `Prevent recompilation of loops in if executing without jit `_. - `Prevents recomputation of gradient in OptaxSolver `_. - `Make solver.update jittable and ensure output states are consistent `_. - Allow ``Callable`` for the ``stepsize`` argument in :class:`jaxopt.ProximalGradient`, :class:`jaxopt.ProjectedGradient` and :class:`jaxopt.GradientDescent`. Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - :class:`jaxopt.QuadraticProgramming` is deprecated and will be removed in v0.4. Use :class:`jaxopt.CvxpyQP`, :class:`jaxopt.OSQP`, :class:`jaxopt.BoxOSQP` and :class:`jaxopt.EqualityConstrainedQP` instead. - ``params, state = solver.init(...)`` is deprecated. Use ``state = solver.init_state(...)`` instead. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fabian Pedregosa, Felipe Llinares, Geoffrey Negiar, Louis Béthune, Mathieu Blondel, Vikas Sindhwani. Version 0.1.1 ------------- New features ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added solver :class:`jaxopt.ArmijoSGD` - Added example :ref:`` - Added example :ref:`` Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Allow non-jittable proximity operators in :class:`jaxopt.ProximalGradient` - Raise an exception if a quadratic program is infeasible or unbounded Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fabian Pedregosa, Louis Bethune, Mathieu Blondel. Version 0.1 (initial release) ----------------------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ - :class:`jaxopt.AndersonAcceleration` - :class:`jaxopt.AndersonWrapper` - :class:`jaxopt.Bisection` - :class:`jaxopt.BlockCoordinateDescent` - :class:`jaxopt.FixedPointIteration` - :class:`jaxopt.GradientDescent` - :class:`jaxopt.MirrorDescent` - :class:`jaxopt.OptaxSolver` - :class:`jaxopt.PolyakSGD` - :class:`jaxopt.ProjectedGradient` - :class:`jaxopt.ProximalGradient` - :class:`jaxopt.QuadraticProgramming` - :class:`jaxopt.ScipyBoundedLeastSquares` - :class:`jaxopt.ScipyBoundedMinimize` - :class:`jaxopt.ScipyLeastSquares` - :class:`jaxopt.ScipyMinimize` - :class:`jaxopt.ScipyRootFinding` - :ref:`Implicit differentiation ` Examples ~~~~~~~~ - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` - :ref:`` Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fabian Pedregosa, Felipe Llinares, Louis Bethune, Marco Cuturi, Mathieu Blondel, Peter Hawkins, Quentin Berthet, Robert Gower, Roy Frostig, Ta-Chu Kao